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Language and Abbreviations

In this section you will find glossaries, lists of terms, and literature on the importance of language in WMD issues. 

For your reference, most academic papers and journals include lists of terms directly in their publications. See for example:

All direct links are underlined. 

Literature on language

On "de-jargoning"

Inkstick Media, "Human Foreign Policy"


"DC Dictionary" An accessible guide to acronyms


"Is it "non-proliferation" or "nonproliferation"?

Comprehensive WMD Glossaries

From the Nuclear Threat Initiative


List of Abbreviations


Nuclear Matters Handbook Acronyms List

Chem and Bio Terrorism Terms

Comprehensive list of abbreviations


Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management Terms


Abbreviations found in Syria chemical weapon discourse

Partners, Organizations, and Capacity Building Terms

From RAND on capacity building


List of partners and organizations from the United Nations


Glossary of acronyms from U.S. State Department

Nuclear Weapons and Safeguards

Acronyms on nuclear weapons and earth penetrating systems


Nuclear Files Acronyms


Abbreviations from RAND


Nuclear and nano-science acronyms


List of common nuclear weapons abbreviations 


Abbreviations from the SIPRI Yearbook


Common disarmament abbreviations


Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization glossary


Safeguards language


WMD Terrorism language


Acronyms regarding export controls


National Domestic Preparedness Consortium glossary


Federal Emergency Management Agency glossary

Created by Jamie Withorne 

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