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Syllabus Recommendations

Syllabus recommendations are organized by subject, and then alphabetically by author's last name. Utilize "Ctrl + F" to find specific sources. Direct links are underlined.

Please note, this is not a complete list and additional research is recommended. 

The Gender Balance Assessment Tool

Sumner, Jane Laurence, "The Gender Balance Assessment Tool (GBAT): A Web-Based Tool for Estimating Gender Balance in Syllabi and Bibliographies. American Political Science Association, Vol. 51, No. 2 (April, 2018).

International Relations Theory & Levels of Analysis

Biddle, Stephen, “Rebuilding the Foundations of Offense-Defense Theory.” The Journal of Politics, Vol. 63, No.3 (2001), pp.741-774.


Borghard, Erica D. & Jack Snyder, "The cost of empty threats: A penny, not a pound," American Political Science Review, Vol. 105, No.3 (2011), pp.437-456.


Bukovansky, Mlada, Legitimacy and Power Politics: The American and French Revolutions in International Political Culture. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2010.


Ensminger, Jean, Collective Action: From Community to State. In a Making a Market: The Institutional Transformation of an African Society, New York & Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1996.


Friedman, Rebekka, et. al., After Liberalism? The Future of Liberalism in International Relations, London: Palgrave Macmillan. 2013. 


Goddard, Stacie E. "When Right Makes Might: How Prussia Overturned the European Balance of Power", International Security, Vol. 33, No.3 (Winter 2008-2009), pp.110-142. 


Gross-Stein, Janice & Richard Ned Lebow, We All Lost the Cold War, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 1994.


Hui, Victoria, War and State Formation in Ancient China and Early Modern Europe,  New York & Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2005. 


Jervis, Robert, “Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma.” World Politics, Vol. 30, No. 2 (1978), pp. 167-214. 


Kelley, Judith, "Who Keeps International Commitments and Why?" The International Criminal Court and Bilateral Non-Surrender Agreements." American Political Science Review, Vol. 101, No.3 (2007), pp. 573-589. 


Kissinger, Henry, The Necessity for Choice. New York, NY: Doubleday Anchor Books. 1961.


Koremnos, Barbara, Charles Lipson, & Duncan Snidal, "The Rational Design of Institutions", International Organizations, Vol. 55 (2011). 


Krieger, Zanvyl et. al. "Nuclear Weapons in Neo-Realist Theory," International Studies Review, Vol. 9, No.3 (Autumn, 2007), pp.369-384. 


Martin, Lisa L. & Robert O. Keohane, "The Promise of Institutionalist Theory", International Security, Vol. 20, No.1 (Summer, 1995), pp. 39-51. 


McDermott, Rose, "Sex and Death: Gender Differences in Aggression and Motivations for Violence," International Organization, Vol. 69, No.3 (Summer 2015). 


McDermott Rose, Michael Horowitz & Allan Stam, "Leader Age, Regime Type, and Violent International Relations," Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 49, No.5 (2005), pp. 661-85.


Mead, Margaret, "Warfare is Only an Invention -- Not a Biological Necessity", Dolphin Reader. 2nd edition. Ed. Douglas Hunt. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990. pp. 415-421. 


Mearsheimer, John, "Why We Will Soon Miss the Cold War." Atlantic Online (August 1990),


Sagan, Scott & Kenneth Waltz, The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: An Enduring Debate, Third Edition. New York, NY: Norton Company. 2012. 


Schelling, Thomas, Arms and Influence. New Haven, CT: Yale University, 1966.


Slaughter, Anne-Marie & John Ikenberry, "Forging a World of Liberty Under Law: U.S. National Security in the 21st Century", The Princeton Project Papers, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press (September, 2006). 


Tank, Pinar, "The Concept of Rising Powers," Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre, (June, 2012)., "The cost of empty threats: A penny, not a pound," American Political Science Review, Vol. 105, No.3 (2011), pp.437-456.​

Nuclear Weapons & Non-Proliferation

Aharineiad, Maryam & Greg Gerardi, “An assessment of Iran’s nuclear facilities,” The Nonproliferation Review, Vol. 2, No. 3 (1995), pp.207-213


Brands, Hal, “Rethinking Nonproliferation: LBJ, the Gilpatric Committee, and U.S. National Security Policy.” The Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp.82-113.


Braut-Hegghammer, Målfrid, “Revisiting Osirak: Preventative Attacks and Nuclear Proliferation Risks, International Security, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Summer, 2011), pp.101-132.


Carus, Seth W., “Defining ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction,” CSWMD Occasional Paper, No. 8 (January, 2012).


Cousineau, Helen M, “The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and Global Non Proliferation Regime: A U.S. policy Agenda”, Boston University International Law Journal, Vol. 12, No.2 (Fall, 1994), pp. 407-442,%20Helen%20M.&collection=journals


Cowen-Karp, Regina, Security with Nuclear Weapons?: Different Perspectives on National Security, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Oxford University Press (1991).


Crawford, Timothy, “The Endurance of Extended Deterrence: Continuity, Change, and Complexity in Theory and Policy” in Paul, Morgan and Wirtz, “Complex Deterrence: Strategy in the Global Age.” Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2009.


Eden, Lynn, Whole World on Fire: Organizations, Knowledge, and Nuclear Weapons Devastation, Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press (2004).


Elworthy, S. How Nuclear Weapons Decisions are Made, New York: St. Martin’s, (1986).


Fairbanks Jr., Charles & Abram Shulsky, “From “Arms Control” to Arms Reductions: The Historical Experience.” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 3 (13 July, 2009). 


Ferguson, Charles et. al, "U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy," Council on Foreign Relations (April, 2009). 


Fischer, D. “The Future of the Multilateral Non-Proliferation Regime”, in Nuclear Deterrence: Problems and Perspectives in the 1990’s, (ed.) Sur, S., United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Geneva. (1993) pp. 77-82.


Foran, Virginia I. & Lenoard S. Spector, “Application of Incentives to Nuclear Proliferation,” in The Price of Peace: Incentives and International Conflict Prevention, (ed.) Cortraight, David., Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict, New York. (1997) pp. 21-53.


Freedman, Lawrence, The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 2003.


Freedman, Lawrence, Deterrence, Malden, MA: Polity Press. 2008.


Garwin, Richard, Megawatts and Megatons: The Future of Nuclear Power and Nuclear Weapons. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 2001. 


Gavin, Francis, “Strategies of Inhibition: US Grand Strategy, the Nuclear Revolution, and Nonproliferation,” International Security, Vol.  40, No. 1, pp. 9-46.


Hersey, John, Hiroshima. New York, NY: Vintage Books Edition. 1985.


Khan, Saira, Nuclear Proliferation: Dynamics in Protracted Conflict Regions: A Comparative Study of South Asia and the Middle East, Abingdon: Routledge, (2017).


Kerr, Paul, “Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons and Missiles: Status and Trends,” Congressional Research Service, (February 2008),


Kristiansen, Connie M. & Kimberly Matheson, “Value Conflict, Value Justification, and Attitudes toward Nuclear Weapons,” The Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 130, No. 5 (1990), pp.665-675.


Kreps, Sarah & Matthew Fuhrman, “Attacking the Atom: Does Bombing Nuclear Facilities Affect Proliferation?”, Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 34, No.2 (2011), pp. 161-187.


Krepinevich, Andrew, Critical Mass: Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. 2013.


Krepinevich, Andrew, & Jacob Cohn, Rethinking Armageddon: Scenario Planning in the Second Nuclear Age. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assesments. 2016. 


Kroenig, Matthew, “US Nuclear Weapons and Nonproliferation: Is There a Link?” Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 166-179.


Kuppuswamy, Chamundeeswari, “Is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Shaking at its Foundations? Stock Taking After the 2005 NPT Review Conference”, Journal of Conflict and Security Law, Vol. 11, No. 1 (March, 2006), pp.141-155.


Lewis, Patricia, J. Hassard, & T. Kibble,  Ways Out of the Arms Race: From the Nuclear Threat to Mutual Security, London: Imperial College (1989).


Lipton, Judith & David Barash, Stop Nuclear War: A Handbook, (1982). 


Lieber, Keir A. and Daryl G. Press, “The New Era of Counterforce: Technological Change and the Future of Nuclear Deterrence,” International Security, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 9–49.


Macfarlane, Allison, F. von Hippel, R. Ewing, & R. Garwin, “Nuclear proliferation: Time to bury plutonium,” Nature: International Journal of Science,


Montgomery, Evan Braden, Extended Deterrence in the Second Nuclear Age. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. 2015.


Narang, Vipin, “Nuclear Strategies of Emerging Nuclear Powers: North Korea and Iran.” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 1 (20 May 2015).


Narang, Vipin, Nuclear Strategy in the Modern Era: Regional Powers and International Conflict. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2014.


Narang, Vipin, “Strategies of Nuclear Proliferation: How States Pursue the Bomb.” International Security, Vol. 41, No.3, pp. 110-150. 


Nolan, Janne E., An Elusive Consensus: Nuclear Weapons and American Security After the Cold War, Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution Press, (1999).


Ogilvie-White, Tanya, “Is there a theory of nuclear proliferation? An analysis of the contemporary debate,” The Nonproliferation Review, Vol. 4, No.1, (December, 1996), pp.43-60.


Ollapally, Deepa & Raja Ramanna, “U.S.-India Tensions: Misperceptions on Nuclear Proliferation”, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 74, No. 1, (Jan.-Feb., 1995), pp.13-18.


O’Reilly, Kelly P., Nuclear Proliferation and the Psychology of Political Leadership: Beliefs, Motivations, and Perceptions, London and New York: Routledge, (2015).


Portela, Clara, “The Role of the EU in the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: The Way to Thessaloniki and Beyond,” Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, No. 65.


Raas, Whitney & Austin Long, “Osirak Redux? Assessing Israeli Capabilities to Destroy Iranian Nuclear Facilities,” International Security, Vol.31, No.4, (2007), pp.7-33.


Rezaei, Farhad, "Shopping for Armageddon: Islamist Groups and Nuclear Terror," Middle East Policy Council,


Sagan, Scott, “The Korean Missile Crisis,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 96, No. 6, Fall, 2017. 


Scarlott, Jennifer, “Nuclear Proliferation after the Cold War,” World Policy Journal, Vol. 8, No.4 (Fall, 1991), pp.687-710.


Shaikh, Farzana, “Pakistan’s nuclear bomb: beyond the non-proliferation regime,” International Affairs, Vol. 78, No. 11, (January 2002), pp.29-48.


Shirvani, Tara, & Sinisa Vukovic, “After the Iran Nuclear Deal: Europe’s Pain and Gain,” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 3 (2015), pp.79-92.


Singh, Sonali, & Christopher R. Way, “The Correlates of Nuclear Proliferation: A Quantitative Test,” Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 48, No.6, (December, 2004), pp. 859-885.


Solingen, Etel, “The Political Economy of Nuclear Restraint,” International Security, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Fall, 1994), pp.126-169.


Solingen, Etel, Nuclear Logics: Contrasting Paths in East Asia and the Middle East, Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, (2007).


Solingen, Etel, Sanctions, Statecraft, and Nuclear Proliferation, Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press, (2012).


Tannenwald, Nina, “The Nuclear Taboo: The United States and the Normative Basis of Nuclear Non-Use,” International Organization, Vol. 53, No. 3 (1999), pp.433-468.


Vakil, Sanam, “Iran: Balancing east against west,” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 29, No.4 (2006), pp. 51-65.


Weeks, Jessica L.P., & Christopher Way, “Making it Personal: Regime Type and Nucleaer Proliferation,” American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 58, No. 3, (November, 2013),


Woolf, Amy, Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons, Congressional Research Service, (January, 2010).


Zinberg, D.S. “The missing link? Nuclear proliferation and the international mobility of Russian nuclear experts,” for United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Vol. 35 (September 1995). 

Nuclear Weapons Testing

Beck, Harold, & Burton Bennett, “Historical Overview of Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons testing and Estimates of Fallout in the Continental United States,” Health Physics, Vol. 82, No. 5, (May, 2002). 


Bishop-Stone, Mary, et. al. “Thyroid Disease Associated with Exposure to the Nevada Nuclear Weapons Test Stie Radiation: A Reevaluation Based on Corrected Dosimetry and Examination Data,” Epidemiology, Vol. 17, No. 6 (November, 2006) pp.604-614.


Bordner, Autumn S., et. al. “Measurement of background gamma radiation in the northern Marshall Islands,” PNAS, Vol. 113, No. 25, (June, 2016), pp.6833-6838.


Djansugurova, Leila, et. al. “Nuclear Weapons Tests and Human Germline Mutation Rate,” Science, Vol. 295, No. 5557, (February, 2002), pp.1037.


Frohmberg, Eric, et. al., “The Assesment of Radiation Exposures in Native American Communities from Nuclear Weapons Testing in Nevada.” Risk Analysis, Vol. 20, No. 1, (23 May 2002). 


Garwin, R.L., “The Future of Nuclear Weapons Without Nuclear Testing.” Arms Control today, Vol. 27, No. 8 (Nov-Dec. 1997). 


Johnston, PN et. al., “Inhalation Doses for Aboriginal People Reoccupying Former Nuclear Weapons Testing Ranges in South Australia.” Health Physics, Vol. 63, No. 6, (Dec. 1992). 


Schwartz, Stepen, Atomic Audit: The Costs and Consequences of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Since 1940. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. 1998. 


Simon, SL., “A Brief History of People and Events Related to Atomic Weapons Testing in the Marshall Islands,” Health Physics, Vol. 73, No. 1, (July, 1997). 

Biological Weapons & Biosecurity

Alibek, Ken, “Biohazard,” New York: Random House, (1999).


Berger, K.M, “The Role of Science in Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response,” University of St. Thomas Law Journal, Vol. 6, No. 3 (2009), pp. 622-645.


Berger K.M, et. al, “Educating Scientists About Dual-Use Research,” Science, Vol. 326, No. 5957, (2009).


Berger, K.M, et. al, “New Rules for Biosecurity,” Science, Vol. 324, No. 5931, (2009), p.1117.


Berger, K.M, et. al, “Roadmap for Biosecurity and Biodefense Policy in the United States,” Gryphon Scientific,


Carus, Seth W., “The History of Biological Weapons Use: What we Know and What We Don’t,” Health Security, Vol. 13, No.4, (2015), pp. 219-255.


Carus, Seth W., “A Short History of Biological Warfare: From Pre-History to the 21st Century,” National Defense University Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Occasional Paper, No.12 (August, 2017).


Clark, Dennis & DeGeest, Theresa, “Globilization and Biosecurity,” in Ecological Security, New York: Rowan and Littlefield (2004), pp. 139-165.


Coyle, Philip, “Biowarfare and Bioterrorism: How do they differ from other WMD threats?” in Global Biosecurity: Threats and Responses, Peter Katona, John Sullivan and Michael Intriligator, eds. London: Routledge Press, (2010), pp.24-40.


Johnson, S. “The Ghost Map,” New York: Penguin Group, (2007).


Koblentz, Gregory D., “Regime Security: A New Theory for Understanding the Proliferation of Chemical and Biological Weapons,” Contemporary Security Policy, Vol. 34, No.3, (December, 2013),


Koblentz, Gregory D. and Mazanec, Brian, “Viral Warfare: The Security Implications of Cyber and Biological Weapons,” Comparative Strategy, Vol. 32, No. 5 (2013), pp. 418-434.


Koblentz, Gregory, “From Biodefense to Biosecurity,” International Affairs, Vol. 88, No. 1 (2012), pp.131-148.


Koblentz, Gregory, “Living Weapons: Biological Warfare and International Security,” Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, (2009).


Koblentz, Gregory, “Pathogens as Weapons: The International Security Implications of Biological Warfare,” International Security, Vol. 28, No.3 (Winter 2003), pp.84-122.


Kosal, Margaret, “A New Role for Public Health in Bioterrorism Deterrence,” Frontiers in Public Health, Vol. 2, (2014), pp. 1-4.


McInnin, Colin, & Kelley, Lee, “Health, Security, and Foreign Policy,” Review of International Studies, Vol. 32, No.5, pp.5-23.


Miller, Judith, et. al, “Germs: Biological Weapons and America’s Secret War,” New York: Simon & Schuster, (2001).


Ryan, J.R & Glarum, J.F., “Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Containing and Preventing Biological Threats,” San Diego, CA: Elsevier, (2008).


"The Biological Weapons Threat and Nonproliferation Options: A Survey of Senior U.S. Decision Makers and Policy Shapers," Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 


Vogel, Kathleen M. & Sonia Ben Ouagrham-Gormley, “The Social Context Shaping Bioweapons (Non)proliferation,” Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science, Vol. 8, No. 1 (March, 2010), pp.9-24.


Vogel, Kathleen M., “Iraqi Winnebagos of Death: Imagined and Realized Futures of U.S. Bioweapons Threat Assessments,” Science and Public Policy, Vol.35, No.8, (October, 2009), pp.561-573.


Vogel, Kathleen M., “Bioweapons Proliferation: Where Science Studies and Public Policy Collide,” Social Studies of Science, Vol. 36, No.5 (2006), pp. 659-690.


Zhenqiang, Pan, "Putting the Nonproliferation of Biological Weapons on the Right Track," 

Chemical Weapons 

Barnaby, Frank, “Chemical Weapons,” in How to Build A Nuclear Bomb (2004), pp. 55-64.


Croddy, Eric, et. al. “Chemical and Biological Warfare: A Comprehensive Survey for the Concerned Citizen,” New York: Springer-Verlag, (2002).


Eisentein, Maurice, "Countering the Proliferation of Chemical Weapons," Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1993.


Hersman, Rebecca & Pittinos, William, “Restoring Restraint: Enforcing Accountability for Users of Chemical Weapons,” Center for Strategic and International Studies: International Security Program, (June, 2018).


Mikulak, Robert, “Bugs and Gas: Agreements Banning Chemical and Biological Weapons,” AIP Conference Proceedings, (2017),


Office of Technology Assessment, “Technical Aspects of Chemical Weapons,” Technologies Underlying Weapons of Mass Destruction, (1993), pp.15-56.


Preston, Diana, “Before the Fallout,” New York: Penguin Group, (2005).


Price, Richard, “Genealogy of the Chemical Weapons Taboo,” International Organization, Vol. 49, No.1, pp.73-103.


Spiers, Edward, “A History of Chemical and Biological Weapons,” Reaktion Books (April, 2010).


Tabassi, Lisa, “OPCS: The Legal Texts,” Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, The Hague: TMC Asser Press, (1999).


Tucker, Jonathan, “Chemical Warfare from World War I to Al-Qaeda,” New York: Pantheon Books (2006).


Tucker, Jonathan, “Toxic Terror,” Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, (2000).


Tucker, Jonathan, “Dilemmas of a Dual-Use Technology: Toxins in Medicine and Warfare,” Politics and Life Sciences, Vol. 13, No.1, pp.51-62.


US Army, “Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare,” (2019).

Delivery Vehicles & Technology

Carus, Seth W. “Ballistic Missiles in Modern Conflict,” Center for Strategic and International Studies, (1991).


Constant, James, “Fundamentals of Strategic Weapons: Offense and Defense Systems,” The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, (1981).


Davis, Lynn, & Schilling, Warner, “All You Ever Wanted to Know about MIRV and ICBM Calculations but Were Not Cleared to Ask,” Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 17, No.2, (June, 1973), pp.207-242.


Department of Defense, “The Military Critical Technologies List Part II: Weapons of Mass Destruction Technologies,” Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, (February 1998),


Glaser, Charles, and Steve Fetter, "National Missile Defense and the Future of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy," International Security, Vol. 26, No.1 (Summer, 2001), pp.40-92. 


Hull, Andrew, “Role of Ballistic Missiles in Third World Defense Strategies,” Institute for Defense Analyses, (June, 1991).

MacKenzie, Donald, “Inventing Accuracy: A Historical Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance,” Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, (1990).


Missile Technology Control Regime, (2014),


Mistry, Dinshaw, “Building a Comprehensive Regime to Contain Ballistic Missile Proliferation,” International Security, Vol. 27, No.4, pp.119-149 .


Schroeer, Dietrich, “Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles,” in Science Technology and the Nuclear Arms Race, New York: Wiley & Sons, (1984).


Wheelon, Albert, “Free Flight of a Ballistic Missile,” ARMS Journal, Vol. 29, No. 12, (1959), pp.915-926.


WMD Commission, “Delivery Means, Missile Defences, and Weapons in Space,” in Weapons of Terror: Freeing the World of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Arms, Stockholm: WMD Commission, (2006).

Cyber, Autonomous Weapons, & Emerging Technology 

Ayoub, Kareem and Kenneth Payne, “Strategy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence,” Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 39, No.5–6, pp. 793–819.


Bajjema, Natasha, "WMD in the Digital Age: Understanding the Impact of Emerging Technologies," National Defense University Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Research Paper No.4, (October, 2018). 


Cevallos, Astrid, et. al. “Getting to Yes with China in Cyberspace,” CA: RAND Corporation (2016).


Cimbala, Stephen J., “Nuclear Deterrence and Cyber Warfare: Coexistence or Competition?” Defense and Security Analysis, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 193–208.


Franke, Ulrike, "Military Robots and Drones," Routledge Handbook of Defence Studies, (2018). 


Geist, Edward, & Lohn, Andrew, "How Might Artificial Intelligence Affect the Risk of Nuclear War?" The Rand Corporation,


Handler, Stephanie, “The New Cyber Face of Battle: Developing a Legal Approach to Accommodate Emerging Trends in Warfare,” Stanford Journal of International Law, Vol. 48, No. 1 (2012). 


Kroenig, Matthew and Tristan Volpe, “3-D Printing the Bomb? The Nuclear Nonproliferation Challenge,” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 7–19.


Mahnken, Thomas C., “Future Scenarios of Limited Nuclear Conflict,” in Larsen and Kartchner, On Limited Nuclear War in the 21st Century, (Stanford, CA: Stanford U. Press, 2014). 


Miller, Seumas, "Dual Use Science and Technology, Ethics, and Weapons of Mass Destruction," Springer, (2018). 


Sagan, Scott, "Ethics, Technology, War,"Daedalus, Vol. 145, No. 4 (Fall, 2016), pp.6-11. 


Speier, Nacouzi, Lee, and Moore, Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation: Hindering the Spread of a New Class of Weapons, (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2017), pp. 7–19.


Turner, Ken, "The Age of Commercial Drones: Implications for National Security and Weapons of Mass Destruction," National Defense University Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Research Paper No. 1, (April, 2018). 


Verbruggen, Maaike, & Dr. Vincent Boulanin, Mapping the Development of Autonomy in Weapon Systems, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, (November, 2017). 

Institutions & Organizations

Abdenur, Adriana, "Rising Powers and International Security: the BRICS and the Syrian Conflict," Rising Powers Quartlery, Vol. 1, No.1 (2016), pp. 109-133.


Dube, Memory & Suresh Singh, "BRICS and the World Order," CUTS International, (2014), pp.1-46. 


Haftendorn, Helga, Robert Keohane & Celeste A. Wallander, Imperfect Unions: Security Institutions Over Time and Space, Oxford University Press, (1999).


Larionova, Maria, "Is BRICS Institutionalization Enhancing its Effectiveness?" In: The European Union and the BRICS, (ed.) M.Marek Rewizorski, London: Springer (2015), pp.39-56.


Maronkova, Barbora, “Countering Russian Propaganda: NATO’s Role,” Fletcher Forum, Tufts University, (2017).

Laws & Treaties

Carvin, Stephanie, “Linking Purpose and Tactics: America and the Reconsideration of the Laws of War During the 1990s,” International Studies Perspectives, Vol. 9, No. 2, (2008), pp.128-143.


Croco, Sarah, Benjamin Valentine, & Paul Huth, “Covenants Without the Sword: International Law and the Protection of Civilians in Times of War,” World Politics, Vol. 58, No. 3 (2006), pp.339-377.


Fazal, Tanisha M. and Brook C. Greene, “A Particular Difference: European Identity and Compliance with Jus in Bello,” British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 45, No. 1, (2014), pp. 829-851.


Finnemore, Martha, “Rules of War and Wars of Rules: The International Red Cross and the Restraint of State Violence,” in Constructing World Culture: International Nongovernmental Organizations since 1875 Stanford: Stanford University Press, (1999). pp. 149-165.


Hathaway, Oona, “Do Human Rights Treaties Make a Difference?” The Yale Law Journal, Vol. 111, No. 8 (June, 2002), pp. 1935-2042.


Hyeran, Jo & James D. Morrow, “Compliance with the Laws of War: Dataset and Coding Rules,” Conflict Management and Peace Science, Vol. 23, No. 1, (February, 2006), pp.91-113.


Österdahl, Inger, “Dangerous Liaison? The Disappearing Dichotomy between Jus Ad Bellum and In Bello,” Nordic Journal of International Law, Vol.78, No.4, pp.553-566. 


Roberts, Anthea, Is International Law International? Cambridge: Oxford University Press. (2017). 

Regional Issues

Gnesotto, Nicole, Ivo Daalder, & Philip Gordon, Crescent of Crisis: U.S.-European Strategy for the Greater Middle East, Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, (2006).


Hendricks, Cheryl, "South Africa's Approach to Conflict Management in Burundi and the DRC: Promoting Human Security?", Strategic Review of Southern Africa, Vol. 37, No. 1, (2015), pp.9-30.


Narlikar, Amrita, "India: Responsible to Whom?" International Affairs, Vol. 89, No. 3, (2013), pp. 595-614.


Newmyrer, Jacqueline, “The Revolution in Military Affairs with Chinese Characteristics,” Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 33, No. 4 (2010), pp. 483-504.


Robers, Margaret, Censored: Distraction and Diversion Inside China's Great Firewall, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, (2018). 


Wilson, Jeanne, "The Russian Pursuit of Regional Hegemony," Rising Powers Quarterly, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2017), pp.7-25. 


Woods, Ngaire, "Whose Aid? Whose Influence? China, Emerging Donors and the Silent Revolution in Development Assistance," International Affairs, Vol. 84, No. 6, pp. 1205-1221. 


Aradau, Claudia, Luis Lobo-Guerrero & Rens Van Munster, “Security, Technologies of Risk, and the Political”, Security Dialogue, Vol. 39, No. 2-3, (April, 2008) pp. 147-154.


Kinsella, Helen M., The Image Before the Weapon: A Critical History of the Distinction Between Combatant and Civilian, Ithaca: Cornell University Press (2011).


MacKinnon, Catherine, “Women’s September 11. Rethinking the International Law of Conflict,” Harvard International Law Journal, Vol.47, No. 1, (2006), pp.1-32.


McLaughlin-Mitchell, Sara & John A. Vasquez, Conflict, War, and Peace: An Introduction to Scientific Research,  CQ Press (2014).


Muller, Richard, Physics for Future Presidents: The Science Behind the Headlines. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2008.


Schadlow, Nadia, National Security Strategy of the United States, Washington D.C., (2017). 


Theiss-Morse, Elizabeth & Jeff Spinner-Haley, “National Identity and Self-Esteem,” Perspectives on Politics, Vol. 1, No.3, (2003), pp. 515-32.


Women's Foreign Policy Group, Guide to Women Leaders in International Affairs, 2017. 

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