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Arsenals and Stockpiles

In this section you will find information detailing countries' stockpiles and arsenals of WMD and WMD-related materials. All direct links are underlined. 

Nuclear Weapons Stockpiles

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) Yearly Notebook numbers


World Economic Forum Report with SIPRI data


Federation of American Scientists (FAS) Nuclear Notebooks


FAS "Status of World Nuclear Forces"


FAS "Nuclear Information Project"


The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists and FAS's Nuclear Notebook


The Arms Control Association Fact Sheets and Country Profiles


The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) country profiles


The National Resource Defense Council profile of nuclear weapons in Europe


Union of Concerned Scientists list of nuclear arsenals


The Atomic Archive Almanac


Defense Intelligence Agency "Global Nuclear Landscape"


International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) list of arsenals


Ploughshares Fund list of arsenals


Global Security report on world nuclear arsenals


Jane's 360 Security "Military Capabilities"


Jane's 360 Defense 

Chemical and Biological Weapons Capabilities

NTI country profiles lists and maps chemical and biological capabilites


Fact sheet from the Arms Control Association


Organization on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons number data


Brookings reader on WMD arsenals


Information on Chemical and Biological weapons use in conflict

Missiles and Missile Defense Systems

Created by Jamie Withorne 

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